
Message Index

The final Purchase Index for - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
Lean Hogs by Dennis Smith
Re: DH, I have a similar bias----
The CME Lean Hog Index component on the kill for -
Once again, preset targets-----
The final Purchase Index for - - -
The CME Lean Hog Index component on the kill for -
First round of up momentum----
The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: The final Purchase Index for - - -
The CME Lean Hog Index component on the kill for -
Re: Hogs are weak today------
The final Purchase Index for - - -
The CME Lean Hog Index component on the kill for -
Hogs by Henry Ledyard
Thanks for the post, Dewey. I - - -
Re: Thanks for the post, Dewey. I - - -
It appears to me, Dewey, that you and - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
The CME component on the kill for - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
Usually I don't try to trade hog options but - -
Well, that was a surprise----
Very interesting, ITZ. It seems to me that - -
The CME component on the kill for - - -
North lines got the call----
Itz, I tried several
The final Purchase Index for - - -
The CME component on the kill for - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: Do me a favor Dewey----
Itz, I plan on helping
The CME component on the kill for - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: DH, we seem to have----
Here is the deal, ITZ. You take your - - -
Due to "Packer Submission Problems", the - - -
Re: Thanks Dewey, for the reminder
The CME component on the kill for - - -
Is it possible that the market is going to - - -
I thought that - - -
Re: It did give a hint-----
Re: It's hard to win an arguement
Re: It's hard to win an arguement
The final Purchase Index for - - -