
Message Index

The CME component on the kill for - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
The CME component on the kill for - - -
Re: DH, these Dec hogs can't decide
Well, ITZ, my crystal ball is not much - - -
Dec hogs, who blinks first
The CME component on the kill for - - -
Re: DH, the sucker fish
The Final Purchase Index for - -
H&P Report
Hog jots and Thots
Thanks for your thoughts, Ed.
The CME component on the kill for - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: The final Purchase Index for - - -
Thanks, Dewey. It's a pleasure - - -
Re: The final Purchase Index for - - -
The CME component on the kill for - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re:DH, my Dec hogs have lost
The big boys have their lines set for - - -
Re: Downside target for today
Re:DH, my Dec hogs have lost
The CME component on the kill for - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: Next 2 days are the preferred
Re: Next 2 days are the preferred
Re: Dewey, I find myself in the
Re: Dewey, I find myself in the
Re: Dewey, my fishing tactics
The CME component on the kill for - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
The six-day moving average carcass weight - - -
The CME component on the kill for - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: DH, I continue to believe Dec
And I'm thinking, ITZ, that the GGGs - - -
Re: DH, I hope you were patient
Yes, ITZ, I made a deposit yesterday but - - -
Re: Sucker fish on the south end
It looks like the pair you snagged, ITZ, - - -
Re: DH, I'm not sure what
The CME component on the kill for - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: My fishing boundries are marked
The six-day moving average carcass weight - - -
The CME component on the kill for - - -
The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: DH, I had a good game plan
I just went back and read the - - -
Re: Thanks DH, now I know
Well, ITZ, you are not getting hurt if you - - -
Re: The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: Dewey, I'm glad somebody I know
Re: Dewey, I'm glad somebody I know
Re: The CME Index component on the kill for - -