
Re: Dewey, for what it's worth-------

and that may not be much. I'm working on my hog charts this weekend, preparing to rec my producers a target to sell July for a quick 50% retracement of the current $22 rally. I'm still working on the sell target and risk parameters before I give them the rec. I was talking to them the last two days about the potential trade and I have a go from them. The August contract should mimic what July does until July 10th or the potential 83-84 support area. I would not want to be short Aug or Oct hogs after July 10th and my plan is to be a buyer of Aug hogs.

This is one of those years that happens 1 or 2 times each decade for the Aug and probably Oct contracts to have a sizable Fast and Furious counter seasonal rally. The sad part to the price relief, is that the rally is done and over by late Aug or first week of Sept. My cycle count is strongly suggesting very negative and downright Nasty cycles will be hitting their rotations by Sept but its too early have full confidence that far out. By Aug it will be easier for me to fine tune where we are at with the cycle rotations with some degree of confidence for what to expect for my Sept/Oct cycle rotations. At this moment I have to believe we will be experiencing NASTY!!

Messages In This Thread

Hello Spike, I am short a bunch of aug hogs
Re: Dewey, for what it's worth-------
Re: Dewey, for what it's worth-------
Re: Tim, yesterday I had------
Re: Dewey, for what it's worth-------
Re: Dewey, for what it's worth-------