
Re: DH, fishing weather has the waters

full of 50 cent sucker fish to give the BIG ONES time to grow. Build the psych trade trap. The reason I label them 50 cent sucker fish is because my fishing lines were set at 87.50 on the bottom end and 88.45 on the top end. Whichever side gets hit has a potential $1 run before it hits the next main support or resistance mark which can take 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete the target objective. When it congest too long at half way point as it has done the last 45 minutes, I'm forced to believe I've got a 50 cent sucker fish that generally runs back to my breakeven point. SO, the PRIME DIRECTIVE leaves me no choice but to deposit my 50 cents to find out later if I was the sucker or that's all I had was a 50 cent sucker fish. I don't consider myself a sucker if I make a 50 cent deposit even if I leave 50 cents on the table. However, I do consider myself a sucker if my stubbornness allows me to let the 50 cent deposit get away. Made the 50 cent deposit @ 86.95 and will resell it @ 87.55 with a 50 cent risk stop if I catch it again.

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The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: DH, fishing weather has the waters
I consider it a major catch, ITZ, when - - -
Re: DH, I don't always get 50 cents
As I look at the fundamentals, ITZ, I get - - -