
Re: April only needs another-----

70 cents of downside to get its addiction fix for the $10 move and also turn my Hallucination into Reality. For me that 70 cents is irrelevant, perfection is not necessary. I can't allow myself to get greedy for 75 cents------there are bigger fish to focus on with the seasonal soon to kick in. I get bored with these narrow ranges which also brings on new Hallucinations due to the bigger ranges for the back months. I went to the bank with my 3 April catches @ 63.40 at the open. Vindication----how sweet it is!

My two hedgers decided to play with 1 each just to see if the market goes for the perfection mark at 62.65. They have their deposit orders sitting at 62.70 and Damage control @ 64.05. I will say this-----I earned my RM fee for the hedges on April hogs. I worked my rear off a couple times keeping there comfort zone boats afloat. There were a few days in early March, when it looked and felt ridiculous to be short hogs. Now on to the next project with new Hallucinations to work on-----a batch of contradictions to sort through. Sooner or later, one of them will grab my attention-------and once again I expect it to sound utterly ridiculous.

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Re: April only needs another-----