
The six-day moving average carcass weight - - -

moved up to 216.17#. That is +2.82# yr/yr. I think the holiday enabled hogs to have an extra growing day and they seem to have gained a little extra on Thanksgiving Day just as the rest of us did.

Packers moved a few extra of their hogs through their plants and that kept packer hog carcass weights from jumping as much as the non-packer hogs.

Over the years the Z/G spread tends to go to cash settlement with the GGGs premium to the ZZZs. It just seemed wrong when the spread opened to +2.15 this morning so I added to my short position. It looks like the market is coming to its senses now. If the spread drops a little more, I will scale out of that one since I still have quite a few short Z/G spreads.

Best wishes,
