
I hope my analysis of the hog market is of - - -

some value to you, Dewey. Nearly four years my neighbor and I organized a very small commodity pool with a focus on trading hog futures. It is gradually growing in size and I am now faced with the challenge of increasing my velocity of trading in order to maintain our level of performance with a larger fund.

I read about your trade with a great deal of interest because of the increased trading velocity that I need to start doing.

I hope your skiing trip is all that you hope for. I was raised at the foot hills of the Uintah Mountains in eastern Utah and whenever we went to Salt Lake City we would go through Park City. I went to school at Oregon State and a lot of my class mates would go to Mt. Hood skiing. But I have never been on a pair of skis.

Not once.

And considering the stage of life that I am in, I probably never will but I have been on water skis a few times.

Best wishes,


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The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: The final Purchase Index for - - -
I hope my analysis of the hog market is of - - -
Re: I hope my analysis of the hog market is of -