
The final Purchase Index for - - -

8/16/19 was UP +0.02 and it was the packers in the eastern corn belt that were chasing swine or pork market formula hogs that drove the purchase index up. I believe that is where Smithfield has most of their operations. Is that telling us that exports to China are a bit stronger??

The model projects the component on Friday's kill will drop between -0.30 and -0.60. Packers still have enough cheaper hogs purchased to keep the component on Friday's kill weak.

With their lower bids, packers were able to purchase 164.4% of the moving average daily purchases of total hogs and 129.6% of index hogs. Producers seem to be anxious to get hogs shipped.

The VVVs are trading discount to the component by -14.84. That is quite a "Gap"

Best wishes,
