
OOOPPPPssss!! I made a typo and hit the - - -

"0" when i should have hit ".". The correct percentage was 111.29%. Generally on a Monday the percentage of the moving average daily purchases will be less than 100% and the Friday purchases are often in the 120% range. Sometimes packers get short-bought and will purchase 150% or more to build an inventory of purchased hogs.

I track this on a percentage basis rather than actual numbers because the numbers vary so much from season to season.

Today when the USDA released the afternoon reports, packers had purchased 93.3% of the moving daily average of total hogs and 99.7% on the index hogs.

Best wishes,


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The final Purchase Index for - - -
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OOOPPPPssss!! I made a typo and hit the - - -
Re: OOOPPPPssss!! I made a typo and hit the - -