
Re: DH, this kind of fishing-----

doesn't happen very often-----so I'm gonna enjoy it while it last. These 1200-1500 dollar catches in 15-30 minutes sure makes the head swell with feelings of Invincible. I know there's a gut punch coming soon----so I'll enjoy the Invincible while it lasts. I've had months with catches for the whole month were $1000 or less and I've even had days where I've gotten lazy or Brain Dead and made 1200-1500 dollar donations in 15-30 minutes----not too often but just enough to know I can be a dangerous threat to my Bank Account if and when I forget or choose not to keep my Damage Control Card in place.

The fishing is always great when there's a high amount of confusion. The confusion will probably remain with us until we get to the next Hog & Pigs report. The Hogs have been very good to me this year, I wish I could say that for every year but the years they haven't been good is due to my own fault of having that Invincible feeling and refusing to let Humility take charge. The lessons we have to learn and relearn to keep playing the Game.

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Re: DH, this kind of fishing-----