
The Whipping Boys Oct & Dec------

continue to reap the benefits of their signature label. My guys that Shoot first and Ask Questions later are also reaping the benefits for their courage. Now the Questions of whether they should add and where is causing us some confusion. Is 60.00-61.00 solid Brick Wall resistance for Oct or will it find a way to catch a $5 bounce back to the 62-63 area. All of our positions put on from stops, the day after report gap lower are at 59.95-60.00.

Trying to put together a plan to add another 25% and struggling with whether to be aggressive or wait with patience for a retracement bounce and wondering if that has already occurred. The answers are never easy to come by and harder to be correct answers when you think you have the answers. I'm always uneasy having a strong conviction until July goes off the board. I've told everyone to be prepared for some margin pain because these 60.00 positions just came too easy and we feel too good at the moment.

The Oct does have an Addiction to copy what the April contract did and more-------so we have a minimum downside target target at the 54.00 area but with the record production a retest of the 2016 low is certainly in the cards.