
3rd day down and------

its Friday. That's a 5.60 Fast & Furious drop-----the percentages for 3 days and then an impulse wave the other direction are pretty high-------next weeks a new Ball Game.

South lines hit @ 66.40 and Deposits made @ 65.80. I really wanted to make the guess to slap a couple longs on but I have to stay disciplined to fishing------when the market is ready to go UP again, my north lines will ring the Dinner Bells.

I did have one of my aggressive spec traders call me yesterday afternoon, wanting to buy Oct hogs today. This guy is in the category of being a Lucky Guesser, he always asks me for target recs and I told him I had given strong thought to buying @ 65.80 but wasn't brave enough. Then as usual he makes me feel like a whimp and says buy him 10 @ 65.80-------I don't even have the courage to guess at 1, I can feel good about the target I gave him.