
My Hallucinations have just----

morphed into a confused state of split personalities. They are usually tilted one directional bias or the other but now the Hallucinations have taken on the confused state of most. Everything I see for directional clues also has a contradicting clue just as strong. I cannot come up with anything to favor one directional bias over the other. I spent all day researching 4 markets and this is the best I can come up with------hogs will go up and hogs will go down but I just can't find anything that it will spend more time favoring one direction over the other. That seems pathetic, since I don't often find myself in this mental state non favoritism for one direction over the other.

I don't know why that's bothering me as much as it is, cause it just means Fishing weather will be GREAT.

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My Hallucinations have just----
Re: Searching my Fishing Guide-----