
Sitting here wondering------

why did I dump my catch yesterday when my bias for being short is so strong. I had to wait 5 days for the bounce back to 69.45 when I thought it would happen in 3. I also had sizable numbers of other sell orders waiting at the 69.45 to 69.80 for producer add on hedges. Those extra 2 days allowed the Hallucinations to set in and before I realized it, I was suffering from Hallucination Overload. Too many Hallucination to deal makes it harder to control emotions and easier to ignore the progressions and general trend that has opened up the trap door for the Sink Hole that is about to open up. I sure wish I had yesterday back but this is what happens to me when I have three markets screaming "SINK HOLE", hogs, cattle, and feeder cattle and I'm still trying to twists arms for the cattle and feeder cattle traders to stop looking at the TEASER and get their short positions on NOW.

They have all turned bullish with the cash premium over the board and have become avid MOON WATCHERS. I try telling them, look what good the MOON has done for the hog market that had the same situation with the expiration of the Feb contract. They don't want to hear it, they want that moon to turn its magnets on. Fine, I've tried but it cost me my hog market focus yesterday and helped bring on this onslaught of Hallucinations I have to deal with. I'm glad the weekend is here, so I've got the weekend to get my head back in the Fishing Zone. At least I still have my 69.70 position doing me justice but I even have that Hallucination keeping me from moving my Damage Control off of breakeven.