
Re: I always remind myself-----

and my hedgers(actually its more like preaching and my wife says I lecture too much) that price is always the most positive at the top and most negative at the bottom. This makes it difficult for anyone to be a seller when you are staring at an uptrend or take profits when you are staring at a downtrend. There's always a new marked target to go after but for every new marked target there's a 50/50 chance its the next target that never gets hit.

It can spend some significant time making the fakeout claim that its still trying to go after the next target that never gets hit. Anyway the clock is ticking for the roll over setup and then the trigger for the March Washout-----the record production favors the odds for at least a $10 WASHOUT. My question remains------which target is the one that FAILS to get hit?

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Re: I always remind myself-----
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