
Re: DH, today was really full of unexpected,

I wasn't too surprised when my 1st set of north lines got hit @ 60.25 but I didn't expect it to blow through my 60.60 and 60.80 deposit orders. Too many irons in the fire today with crop report and phones busier than I desire when I'm trying to do a little fishing. I got distracted from my time and price focus and forgot about my 2nd set of north lines sitting @ 61.10 on Oct hogs.

Since I didn't expect the 2nd set to be relevant to begin the day and I didn't expect to become so unfocused with high phone traffic, I didn't have any deposit orders working for a second catch or any Damage control. The unexpected fill orders woke me up in the middle of a phone conversation that had unexpectedly lasted longer than it should have. By the time I gathered my senses while unexpectedly multi-tasking a conversation and fumbling with my mental calculations, the size of my 2nd catch unexpectedly SHRANK. Which left me no other choice but to cover 1 with pocket change. The 61.00 support area had a positive look @ 11:00 as the crop report was released, so with my Damage Control pulled up to 60.95 I was expecting a hit on my 61.70 deposit order, while I was tending other responsibilities. No such luck, I should have known, the day was screaming "UNEXPECTED" and I ignored the screams while thinking the unexpected would be a closing number pressing 62.00.

The Fisherman's Guide clearly states, "If you don't have time to Fish and tend the lines, DON'T FISH. No harm done but it could have been a disaster and I didn't even hear a peep out of the Prime Directive. That's another UNEXPECTED for the day. Could be a symptom of the Swelled Head Virus. It's been awhile since my last attack from that fateful sickness. It tends to show up when I'm overloaded with too many irons in the fire.

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Oh my Goodness!! I really loaded my boat - - -
Ka!! Ching!!!
Re: DH, today was really full of unexpected,