
To be sure, Dewey, there are - - -

enough mouths to feed in China that they could siphon off a lot of our pork and they still might but they don't seem to be doing it yet. Maybe they are waiting for a fire sale. When Smithfield became a Chinese company, the dynamics seemed right for a big increase in pork sales to China. So far it does not seem to be happening but it still might.

Packer seemed to be really chincy with their bids today but it didn't scare the producers away. The afternoon reports show that packers had made a very solid purchase by noon today. The eastern corn belt seems to be shorter on hogs than the other three regions.

I was hoping you would wait a little while after the holiday to get long the VVVs and ZZZs, Dewey. But you usually seem to be able to figure out how to make the piggies work for you.

Have a great weekend.

Best wishes,


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The CME component on the kill for - - -
Re: The CME component on the kill for - - -
To be sure, Dewey, there are - - -
Re: Dewey, your thinking is correct----