
Re: Carefull Dewey, don't do-----

too many of those low risk/low anxiety trades or you'll start liking the idea and may become addicted. Addictions such as low risk/low anxiety trades(LR/LAT) has been known to turn trading courage into mush and hallucinations. That is what happened to me. It all started as an innocent experiment and before I knew what happened------it had become an entrenched addiction that I have no desire to escape the hold it has on me. Now I have to face the shameful ridicule from some I talk to about my 2 lot fishing strategy when I hear their snickers of "you call yourself a trader".

Oh what a burden I have to bear for this (LR/LAT) addiction that I will probably carry with me the rest of my life. I'm not looking for pity-----I just want to warn you of the possible consequences of what may seem like harmless experimentation with something like low risk/low anxiety trades. Dewey, since you have a high pain tolerance, you probably don't have the LR/LAT gene to cause you addiction problems. As for addictions, this is one I can live with, if I keep my focus InTheZone.

I was on the road for 3 days, talking to clients and prospects and couldn't resist a little sarcastic humor. I missed a lot of action and profits but did snag a few new producers to work with, so I gained some long term income, if I don't disappoint them. I hate sales but it's a necessary evil. I would prefer to spend my day trading and selling on the phone but until I get the face to face, there always seems to be a ? in the Risk Management relationship.

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The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: Carefull Dewey, don't do-----
Re: Carefull Dewey, don't do-----
Thanks for your post, Dewey, and - - -