
We now have 50% of the - - -

Cash Settlement Index for the QQQs. The problem is that we won't know what it is until the 201 report comes out at 11:00 EDT. We can move a step closer to "Knowing" when the Purchase Data Reports come out at 9:00 EDT.

From the afternoon reports the model projects that the Purchase Index for 8/13/14 wiil be down -$1.17 and the component on yesterday's kill will drop between -1.05 and -1.35. If we get the full -1.35 drop, the model is showing that it will take a drop of -2.64 on today's kill to move the index down to the 114.70 where the QQQs are now trading.

I hope I have not made an error in crafting the model because I have relied on it to buy several more QQQs on this dip.

On many occasions in the past, when I get a strong directional bias about the direction the hog market will go, it does exactly the opposite. I hope that is not what is going to happen this time!!

Best wishes,
