
Re: What ever works DH,

there are lots of strategies at our disposal for making the bank account grow. Everyone is wired differently but there are some that just aren't wired to be trading. I tell everyone I work with, if their trading system has a high reliability track record which includes damage control, who am I to dictate entry and exit choices. I have a hard enough time keeping my own ship on a steady course. I have a couple traders who make choices based solely on instinct and do a very good job growing their bank accounts. I couldn't live that way or even survive. They have deeper pockets and a higher pain tolerance than I but I have learned to greatly respect their instincts and they have respect for my technical hallucinations.

I am always amazed with how 2 different traders can have opposite trades going and both make money. One will just be correct longer than the other. The tricky part to this game is knowing when to HOLD and when to FOLD.

Messages In This Thread

The final Purchase Index for - - -
Re: The 60 min chart has triggered---
Interesting, ITZ! It appears - - -
Re: What ever works DH,
Re: The 58.02 target was-----
The 58.02 target is not - - -
Re: Whether right or wrong----
Anytime, ITZ, that you - - -