
Re: Well Spike, I have -----
In Response To: Cattle Daily *PIC* ()

to believe the cattle market has reached the Top of the Mountain for this run even if they manage to pop a spike higher tomorrow to 189.50 area for the Dec contract, for the finishing touches. They hit my profit taking target last week @ 188.40 where I had orders working and didn't feel like arguing with my gut and the Bear Coat I'm wearing. That was a cycle day on the 10th or 11th for a qualifying cycle Hi for my cycle rotations. The problem I have, which shouldn't be a problem due to my Bear Coat but the possibility of that final spike has me somewhat hesitant. That should be irrelevant but my recent errors are causing confidence problems that I need to overcome with the picture I'm looking at if it's not my imagination.

This rally was built on Thin Air with no support legs other than the upside breakout point back @ 180,00 area. Dec cattle are flirting with walking on a critical support ledge of 185.85 and when they step off of that ledge or pushed off to trigger my sell signal with a daily close below 186.07, there is a Deep Abyss waiting to open up if negative news shows up to prevent the critical 174-175 support target I believe will happen IF I'm correct about a 3 week Flush for the 5 month cycle low due by mid Nov. I'm trying to talk myself into putting sell orders in @ the 188.70-188.80 area. Several of my clients aren't having the mental issues I'm having and already have their sell orders working @ 188.50 to 188.70 along with Sell Stops @ 185.80 in case my thoughts of a repeat cycle Hi for the 17th or 18th fails to happen. They are hedgers and not prone to unneeded perfection as I tend to be. I do have my own sell stops working due to the market being on that ledge of critical support.

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Cattle Daily *PIC*
Re: Cattle Daily
Re: Well Spike, I have -----