
The Bear is-------

getting the tar beat out of him along with other not so nice things to say. This is happening in all of the markets. This does not happen even in Bull markets, they don't all rally at the same time. The market controllers had the Funds put undo pressure on most of the markets during the month of August. Those selloffs for different markets came at different intervals and the results didn't make any sense at the time but it did do the job intended-----turn the masses bearish. I foolishly led the charge for the Bear Camp in the cattle market without fully analyzing the chart patterns.

I did realize my error to late as is usually the case. Dec cattle had Launch Liftoff at 180.00 and I suddenly realized what was happening when they blew past 183.00. For the life of me, I can't explain why I missed the Launching Pad setup-----probably too much Bear Kool-aid. I was able to reverse them @ 183.45 without excessive damage. Something really smells rotten in the hen house and smells worse than skunks. There's only one reason I can think of for why all markets are rising quickly in a short period of time without putting in support legs to hold it up.

The Big Money market controllers forced the drops during the month of August well aware of the coming 4th quarter negativity. Due to the unvalidated August selloffs the market rule for balance demands a market Reset to rebalance the late July early August highs. The last 2 months of market activity has many traders completely confused and scared to do anything. I'm not confused yet but I am irritated that the markets have a need to play such foolish games to rob the average joe of his hard earned money. When I told my cattle traders they needed to reverse their positions, only my seasoned vets with many battle scares made the jump with me. The rest are screaming and crying.

I tried to post a week ago but it didn't go through and then I got too busy.

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The Bear is-------
Re: The Bear is-------